
Showing posts from October, 2018

Grid Project

I ran into many issues trying to create this grid project. Illustrator both on my laptop and the school computers repeatedly frozen and would not open my saved project. Given this, I decided to use the application created by YungJake that allowed me to quickly utilize different emojis and draw them on top of my pixelated image. I used about five different shades of brown emojis, four grey ones, two black ones, three blue ones, and three green ones. It was incredibly time consuming but I am glad it at least resembles my dog in the end.

Importance of the Vacuum Tube

The vacuum tube, also called the electron tube, is a sealed enclosure used to control the flow of electrons between the metal electrodes in the air tight tube. These tubes were crucial in the development of the radio because of their ability to amplify weak currents and generate radio-frequency power for radio and radar. The cathode ray tube was the primary mechanism used for image display in older analog televisions. In a CRT, the negative terminal is referred to as a cathode and is the heated filament. The ray is the stream of electrons that are exerted by the heated cathode inside the vacuum in a glass tube. Due to the fact that electrons are negative and the anode is positive, it attracts them and focuses them into a tight beam. The image is able to be transferred to the flat screen because of this tight, accelerated beam of electrons flying through the vacuum towards the screen coated in illuminating phosphor that makes the screen glow a certain color; white, blue, green or red. ...

Seasonal Flipbook

                                                  Song: Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy I am not an artist whatsoever, so creating this was a struggle for me. Even though I came to Florida for college, I still love the idea of having four seasons so I decided to make my drawings align with that theme. I chose the book Emma simply because that is my name and many of my interests are displayed within the flipbook. I enjoy watching sunrises (when I get up that early) and especially sunsets so I began with that. The snowman and Christmas tree represented my favorite time of year even thought it has the worst weather. I decided to build the snowman up gradually in order to make him seem more animated and represent the snowman building process.